The fifth installment of Unsolved Case is “The Last Journey,” focusing on a great detective story with dozens of challenging puzzles to complete. You assume the role of a detective who embarks on a journey to find secrets, make decisions, and find the truth behind the scenes. Different locations are featured to explore; each comes with a series of puzzles to complete. There’s an opportunity to join the world of the best detective masters who can solve any puzzle quickly. Many introduced characters are borrowed from previous installments; however, a new set of characters are also featured to offer you unique gameplay.
Meanwhile, the graphics and the mechanics are almost identical but with different stories and puzzles. Several mini-games may put your detective and puzzle-solving skills to the test. Whenever you reveal a mini-game, the game allows you to switch to the match-3 puzzle if you consider playing a hidden object mini-game challenging to complete. The plot centers on a rail company where someone has killed a passenger. You have been called to rescue the company’s reputation by catching the murderer. Now, your ultimate job requires solving a crime involving a famous city attorney and his dealings. If you are new to the game or need help, read Unsolved Case: Episode 5 Walkthrough Guide.
Unsolved Case: Episode 5 Walkthrough – The Last Journey
The time has come to become a real detective in realistic games like Unsolved Case. Explore exquisite scenes and search for hidden objects, complete adventures, and stop villains. Several crime city secrets are available; however, you must make difficult decisions to reach the end. Read Unsolved Case – The Last Journey Walkthrough to get all answers and solutions.
Task 1 – Figure out the Route of the Train
The first task involves finding the train’s route by getting hidden objects and solving tricky puzzles.
- Tap the counter on the right side to obtain the following objectives: Pliers, Bottle Opener, and Cufflink.
- Head to the bench on the right side to discover a tablet and bag you can open using the Cufflink. Examine the bag to get a Task Book and Victim’s Dossier.
- Click on the board close to the train and put the Victim’s Dossier on the holder to run a mini-game.
- Play the game to find the route and get a Railway Badge.
Task 2 – Examine the Crime Scene
Get on the train and start your investigation to find hidden objects and play mini-games.
- Head to the door to get a Chain and use the Railway Badge to open the door on the woman’s right side. Collect a camera and tap the back button to close the zoom view.
- Now, open the door on the left side and use the camera to take images. To solve the puzzle, you have to focus the camera in the right spot using the sliders of the camera.
- Enter the cabin and start your investigation to find hidden objects, including Hand Cream.
Enter the Cabin
- Enter the cabin and examine the right-side seat to collect the Hand Cream and Light Bulb.
- Afterward, tap the top of the second sofa on the right side and use the pliers to remove the lock. Collect the Stencil with Holes and return to the couch, where you must use the Stencil with Holes to get the code (MOTH).
- Tap the briefcase on the table, and enter the code (MOTH) to get an object. Now, leave the cabin and come out to interact with the lady. As the discussion ends, she gives you a Nail File that will be added to your inventory.
Task 3 – Interview the Witnesses (Coming Soon)
Read More: |Episode 1| |Episode 2| |Episode 3| |Episode 4| |Episode 5| |Episode 6| |Episode 7| |Episode 8| |Episode 9| |Episode 10| |Episode 11| |Episode 12|