Welcome to Mad Island! If you’re new to the game, here’s a structured overview of the basic controls to help you move, fight, and interact effectively.
Basic Movement for Mad Island
- Movement:
- Use WASD or left-click to move your character.
- Running:
- Hold Shift to run.
- If you prefer not to hold it down, press X once for continuous running. (No need to worry about stamina—you can run indefinitely!)
Interacting with Objects
- Interaction:
- Press E or left-click on items to interact with nearby objects.
- For example, if you approach a tree, your character will automatically cut the wood.
Combat Controls
- Light Attack:
- Press E or Space.
- Heavy Attack:
- Press F.
- Guard:
- Right-click to protect yourself.
- Grab:
- Press R (available only to male characters and only usable against female NPCs).
Camera Controls
- Zoom In/Out:
- Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom.
- Look Around:
- Click the mouse wheel and drag to change your view.
Storage and Inventory Shortcuts
- Take All/Craft Everything:
- Hold Shift and click on an item.
- Split Item in Half:
- Hold Ctrl and click on an item.
Additional Interfaces
- Party Management and Emotes:
- Press Q to open the party management and emote window.
- Map:
- Press M to view the map.
- Use Equipment:
- Use number keys 1-9 to access items in your inventory.
- Note: Ensure your inventory is organized to fit up to nine items for easy access.

Game Management
- Pause Game:
- Press ESC to pause.
- Menu:
- Press Tab to open the menu, which appears in the lower right corner.
With these controls, you’re all set to explore, fight, and interact in Mad Island. Enjoy your adventure.