Please find below the Her novel Kindred tells of Dana a young Black woman who is transported from the 1970s back in time to the pre-Civil War South answer and solution. This question aired on June 6 2023 episode of Jeopardy! TV Game Show. For older Jeopardy Questions and Answers we recommend you to visit our archive page.
Her novel Kindred tells of Dana a young Black woman who is transported from the 1970s back in time to the pre-Civil War South
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- Her novel Kindred tells of Dana a young Black woman who is transported from the 1970s back in time to the pre-Civil War South
- Due northwest of the west end of Hispaniola is this passage between that island & Cuba; further S.E. are the same-named islands
- What's new pussycat? This Welsh legend's unplanned Voice U.K. duet on It's A Man's Man's Man's World with Jennifer Hudson
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- A store specializing in men's clothing & accessories like ties & hats
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- Head strait up from Calais & you'll be in the body of water called this strait
- The arranger of the dances in a ballet
- This Planters mascot is all class with a monocle spats & a top hat
- Also meaning a severe reaction to a sudden development it's produced by a blast
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