Introduction After the release of Puzzle Lovers and Reunion, a new episode was released in Adventure Escape Mysteries, known as...
5 chapters are introduced in Paper Bride 5; each has a unique storyline and a variety of puzzles to solve....
Paper Bride 5 is offering you a Chinese Traditional environment where you experience a variety of stories. The ultimate goal...
The title of Paper Bride 5 Chapter 2 is Puppets, and it takes you to an abandoned place where you...
Have you ever experienced the mix of Horror elements with Puzzle? Surely, you won’t, and to be honest, it was...
Rooms and Exits: Escape Game is continuously growing as up to 5 chapters have been released with various levels. Each...
We helped the archeologist bring her daughter back from an unknown world in Chapter 1. The requirement of Chapter 2...
There are five chapters with five stories in Escape Room: Grim of Legacy. We already have completed the first chapter...
Escape Room: Grim of Legacy is released by ENA Game Studio for mobile devices. It comes with Adventure mixed Hidden...
Paper Bride 4 Bound Love comes with five chapters with different puzzles to solve and a plot to proceed. You...
Are you fond of playing Puzzle games like the Paper Bride series? If so, then welcome to Paper Bride 4...
Introduction If you would love to play a mix of Word, Strategy RPG, and Dating Sim, then the Paper Bride...
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© 2020 - 2022 - All the game guides found on this website are property of and are protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited and legal actions will be taken.