Brain Out Detective Level 13 revolves around a young man who committed suicide in an apartment. When police arrived, they found many footprints at the scene. The case isn’t as easy as it seems; therefore, you should hone your detective skills before jumping into the game. Read Brain Out Detective Level 13 Walkthrough to find Solutions and Answers.
Brain Out Detective Level 13
After completing level 12, Brain Out Detective level 13 is unlocked and brought a new puzzle to puzzle to solve.
- Your first goal is to confirm that the deceased didn’t commit suicide. Therefore, you should tap the pistol on the left side.
- Tap the deceased’s head to confirm no physical conflict happened between the murderer and the victim.
- Click on the footprint on the floor next to the maid that seems high heels. The footprints belong to a woman.
- To find the answer to the fourth question, you have to tap the money on the left side of the deceased to confirm that the manager didn’t kill the young man.
- Tap the rope outside the window tied with the curtain rod.
Read More: |Level 1| |Level 2| |Level 3| |Level 4| |Level 5| |Level 6| |Level 7| |Level 8| |Level 9| |Level 10| |Level 11| |Level 12| |Level 13| |Level 14| |Level 15| |Level 16| |Level 17| |Level 18| |Level 19| |Level 20| |Level 21| |Level 22| |Level 23| |Level 24| |Level 25| |Level 26| |Level 27| |Level 28| |Level 29| |Level 30| |Level 31| |Level 32| |Level 33|